Sunday, September 30, 2012

DeMentriloquism Class at Lemoncholy's Studio

I took just a few photos from this weekend's workshop, and since I never posted last year's (ok, or the year before's- but I have an excuse- I forgot my camera that year) , I figure I'll start with this weekend and then catch up. First up is a picture of the class sample he brought to show us....

and here's a cute one during one of his demos....

and of course we have the (in)famous critique session.... 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' - if you haven't taken a Michael workshop before, here's the deal- when he plays that song- it's pencils down and you put your project on the table time. The critique is actually a great part of the process- you get to see everyone else's pieces and talk about the different elements that make it work.It's always very positive and fun. I took a critique class with Michael and Keith Lo Bue last year that was great. Anyway, I digress. Here' a qick pic. (notice the good, bad and ugly shirt)

you can't see my piece well in this photo, but I have  a hint- I didn't alter a doll head- I went ahead with my robot plan. If you would like to see much better photos, check out Kecia's blog and post about the class here.

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